Asalaamalaikum and welcome!

Brave Muslim Parents 

I’m Shahnila, the founder of Brave Muslim Parents. I equip and empower today’s Muslim parents to raise resilient kids with a strong Muslim identity. I’m an imperfect but ever-striving Muslim, living an intentional life with my supportive husband and children in Southern California. I find joy in the mundane and in parenting on purpose. 


Join me weekly and listen to the FREE podcast for parents like you and learn something new or just be inspired


Who I Am!

I’m a former project manager and senior healthcare consultant turned homeschool mom to four kids.  I’m also a La Leche League leader and a certified Infant Sleep Educator, and I have over ten years of experience in youth mentorship in and outside the mosque. I love learning and seeking knowledge in the areas of Islam, parenting, personal development, and home education.

 I know how hard parenting is! I have four kids, all roughly two years apart. I’m in the middle of the parenting journey. But Alhamdullilah with the support of my loving husband and by implementing what I have learned over the years, we are enjoying the process. I’ve spent the last twelve years finding out how to be a mom, how to raise kids, and how to ensure that they are resilient. I researched the heck out of how children learn and thrive. It’s my pleasure to share all that I’ve discovered with parents like you who are traveling the path with me.


My Inspiration

My mother passed away in 2011, and her death had a great impact on my life. Back then I was a mother of a toddler and a baby, just starting my parenting journey and barely surviving. Mummy’s legacy inspired me to become a better parent.

 Want to know what her legacy was? She was a lifelong learner: always curious and seeking knowledge.  She prayed a lot and was constantly striving to learn more about Islam and implement it. She was caring and helpful. Every single day I am inspired and guided by my mummy’s example. Her impact came from how she lived her life and who she was.

 What legacy do you want to leave behind? Here at Brave Muslim Parenting I can help you envision the kind of meaningful lessons and beautiful memories that you want to plant in your children’s lives. I’ll show you specific tools to achieve those goals so that someday when your children look back on your legacy, they will feel grateful, loved and inspired.

“Raise your words, not your voice.

It is rain that grows flowers,

not thunder.”



Informative Websites& Blog
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